How Amanda Got Started as an Egg Donor


As a child, Amanda was always happy and always talking. She loves gymnastics and is extremely athletic. Amanda has a unique ability to speed-read, and she is learning her third language. She is a constant learner and forever student. Amanda is currently a law student.

Why did you decide to become an egg donor?

I can’t think of a reason not to! I know that if I were to ever be put in a position that jeopardized my opportunities of having children, I would pray for an option such as egg donation. So if I can help, I always will.

Have you donated more than once?

Yes! It has been a wonderful experience each time!

What was the most rewarding part of the process?

Helping others is by far the greatest reward throughout the process. Plus, I enjoy going to my appointments and seeing everyone within SMF. So, it is also rewarding to work with great people who are on a mission to help as well.

What was the most challenging part of the process?

I don’t find the process to be challenging. But if I had to pick a challenge, I would say adhering to the specific directions requires extra attention. Staying focused on the responsibilities that come with being a donor is so important!!

Is there anything you wish you knew before you donated?

I wish I would have known about SMF sooner.

What advice would you give to a first time donor?

Be kind to your nurses, follow ALL of the instructions, and know that you are helping others in such a unique capacity! It is absolutely worth it.

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