“Mind/body medicine leads you to become more involved in your health care and to make positive changes in your life. Health is not simply the absence of illness.” – The Wellness Book by Benson & Stuart
Dr. Jain and the staff of Santa Monica Fertility recognize the effect that life stressors have on the process of female reproduction. We support holistic services and various treatments which contribute to our patients’ overall health and well-being. Lifestyles which balance the body and help calm the mind often enhance the effectiveness of traditional medical treatments.
There are a variety of quality programs which can be highly effective in reducing the physical symptoms of stress such as insomnia, fatigue, headache, and gastrointestinal distress as well as minimizing feelings of depression, anxiety and irritability. Stress is responsible for more than 60% of all physician visits and is known to cause or exacerbate many conditions including heart disease, infertility, gastrointestinal disorders and chronic pain. Left untreated, stress can seriously affect your health, work performance, relationships and general well-being. Holistic mind/body programs help teach clients how to use one’s own healing power to manage stress and take control of life.
Acupuncture is a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) therapy developed more than 2,000 years ago. Acupuncture treatment stimulates specific energy meridians that exist throughout the body. Scientists have observed that stimulating these channels with acupuncture can cause a physiological response in brain activity, hormone levels, blood pressure, heart rate and immune system function, all of which help the body return to its innate state of balance and harmony. Recent studies show that acupuncture not only increases your chances of getting pregnant naturally and with IVF, but helps to create a healthier baby. We have our own resident acupuncturist on site at Santa Monica Fertility to provide acupuncture and other Traditional Chinese Medicine remedies, helping you to feel relaxed and happy while increasing your chances of conception.
Massage therapy helps reduce anxiety, pain, headaches, insomnia and other stress-related symptoms. It also aids circulation, helps with detoxification and enhances relaxation. Massage therapists specializing in stress reduction and relaxation can assist in lowering clients’ anxiety levels, ultimately contributing to overall health and a balanced lifestyle.
Other areas of holistic health include nutritional counseling, yoga instruction, specialized massage therapies, and individual or couples counseling.
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