Fertility Blogs and Resources

Tips on LGBTQ Family Building

Posted by: Santa Monica Fertility   •   Categories: Trying to Conceive,


Future moms and dads take note: there are more ways than ever before to become a parent, and this applies fully to the LGBTQ community. Building a family as a single or a couple will likely involve a few more steps for lesbian and gay individuals, but this can help you appreciate your family much more than if it came effortlessly. In fact, research shows that the high level of effort, medical assistance, and advanced planning required for LGBTQ couples to have a child may even make them more likely to stay involved and be among the most highly committed parents.

Gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender couples and singles face more obstacles to building a family than heterosexuals. However, the effort is worth it when you hold in your arms your new child. If you’re interesting in building a family either alone or with a spouse or partner, here are tips on making your dream family a reality.

Meet with a fertility specialist

Millions of LGBTQ couples and singles are surprised to learn that having a biological child is a relatively simple and achievable option, thanks to modern fertility treatments. You can learn your options and find the highest quality care by making an appointment with a fertility specialist, such as Santa Monica Fertility Clinic.

14733397314_1555a37e0a_zLesbian Fertility Options

Lesbian couples have a variety of options available to build the family they want. If you’d like to have one baby with a special connection to both parents, you can have the egg of one partner fertilized and then implanted in the other partner, so each mother has a strong built-in connection to the baby.

Other lesbian couples choose to each have a baby (several years apart, usually), using artificial insemination. If both women are in their 30s, it is often advisable for the older woman to have a baby first.

Gay Fertility Options

Gay couples and singles can have a biological child with a donor egg, thanks to surrogacy options. The sperm of one of the men is combined with a donated egg, which is then implanted in a surrogate mother, who carries the baby to term.

A fertility specialist can help you wade through the many options in having a genetic child. Your options may include using a surrogate, having artificial insemination, selecting an egg donor or a sperm donor, IVF, and more. There are many ways for LGBTQ individuals and couples to begin a family. Contact a fertility specialist today to learn where to start.

BabiesThe choice to consider adoption

For couples or singles that aren’t interested in having their own biological children, adopting children is a wonderful way to provide a loving home to children in need of a family. You can adopt older children through the foster care system or infants through traditional adoption agencies (private and public). Statistics show that LGBTQ couples are much more likely to adopt children over the age of 6 (who are harder to place); these couples provide love and support to children who are falling through the cracks in the foster care system. You can become a foster parent and get to know the foster care system, or look into adopting a baby.

If you are ready to meet with a fertility specialist to learn about building a family as a LGBTQ couple or single, contact Santa Monica Fertility Clinic. We are ready to help you build the family of your dreams!

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