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Infertility FAQs

Posted by: Santa Monica Fertility   •   Categories: Trying to Conceive,

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The path of infertility can be confusing at times and very frustrating. While some couples know from the start that they’ll need an infertility doctor (including LGBT couples), others are surprised and disappointed that things haven’t gone as planned. Regardless of whether or not you’ve anticipated difficulty having a baby, you can deal with it most effectively when you have the right information. Here are answers to frequently asked questions about infertility.

Is infertility usually caused by the woman or man?

Infertility in heterosexual couples is caused equally by the male and female factor. About a third of cases are due to the woman, about a third of cases are caused by the man, and the remaining third of cases are caused by a combination of the male and female or by unknown factors.

How effective is infertility treatment?

The statistics on medical treatment for infertility are varied, since clinics catering to less severe cases will have a much higher success rate than some of the more prestigious clinics in the country that work with more complicated cases. The American Society for Reproductive Medicine reports that up to 90% of cases are treated with medications or surgeries.

Which lifestyle factors could be affecting my fertility?

Smoking will decrease the fertility of both men and women and accounts for around 13% of the cases of infertility in the US. Weight issues in the woman (underweight or overweight) are the cause of 12% of infertility cases.

What options are there for LGBT couples who want to have a biological child?

There are many options available for gay men and lesbians who wish to have a biological child. Egg donation, surrogacy, IVF, and donor insemination can help LGBT couples have the family they dream of. Santa Monica Fertility Clinic welcomes all patients who are seeking the latest medical advancements in the field of fertility.

How common is infertility among heterosexual couples?

About 1 in 8 heterosexual couples in the US have difficulty getting pregnant. Nearly 12% of women have received treatment at some time for infertility.

How long should I wait before I seek treatment for infertility?

About 44% of couples experiencing infertility seek treatment at some point, with others accepting childlessness. Many couples who do seek treatment wait so long that they delay the possibility of success. Doctors recommend that couples under the age of 35 who have not been able to conceive after 12 months of unprotected, frequent sexual intercourse should seek treatment from an infertility specialist. If the woman is over the age of 35, it’s advisable to seek treatment after 6 months of trying to get pregnant.

Is IVF the only option?

No, there are many fertility treatments available and IVF is only needed in about 3% of infertility cases. Because it has such a high rate of success, and is the most expensive, many couples save up for this treatment and come in asking for it initially. However, there are dozens of cost-effective treatments available and IVF is only one of the available options.

Is there a guarantee that I’ll have a baby if I see a specialist?

No, there is no way to guarantee that your consultations with a fertility specialist will result in a pregnancy. Most patients at Santa Monica Fertility Clinic are successful in achieving pregnancy, but there are some cases that cannot be resolved. For these couples, seeking treatment is a necessary step before they begin to explore other options in having a family.


When two people get together and want to start a family, knowing the facts can help ease stress around infertility. There are many treatment options available that can help you build the family you dream of. If you’d like to learn more about fertility treatments, contact Santa Monica Fertility Clinic to schedule a consultation.

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