Fertility Blogs and Resources

Using Seed Rotation to Balance Hormones

Posted by: Santa Monica Fertility   •   Categories: Trying to Conceive,
nuts and seed collection (cashew, pecan, pistachio, Brazilian, hazelnut,pine nuts, peanut, pumpkin) in an old typesetter wooden drawer

nuts and seeds can help fertility

We all know food has the ability to build strong bodies and make us feel better, but who knew we could use food to support hormonal synthesis and balance? Not to mention seeds of all things? Small and mighty, they are packed with a punch that most women can take advantage of, whether they are TTC (trying to conceive) naturally, or are preparing for an IVF or ICSI cycle.

Most women think we need to use  pills, shots, creams and patches to create an effect on hormones and reproductive health, but foods can have an impact and even effect how those western medications can work in your body.

“Seed rotation” is being used to support estrogen (usually needed in the beginning of the cycle) or progesterone (needed more on cycle day 14 and throughout the beginning of pregnancy). Certain seeds can be eaten cycle days 1-14, cycle day one being the beginning of a period, and CD (cycle day) 14 being ovulation-ish (keep in mind only 15% of women have an exact 38-30 day cycle, so this will vary a bit from woman to woman). As the uterus builds it’s lining in the follicular phase, incorporating more flax and pumpkin seeds will help support estrogen production. Once you’ve ovulated (CD 14 and moving forward towards a period or a pregnancy, during the luteal phase it is better to incorporate foods and seeds that support progesterone production, which is being released by the corpus luteum, and that would support a healthy pregnancy. Taking more sesame or sunflower seeds, loaded with zinc and Vitamin E (up to two tablespoons per day) can be quite helpful, decreasing symptoms like PMS, weight gain, uterine and abdominal masses such as endometriosis) as well as increasing fertility and helping set up a foundation for a healthy pregnancy.

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